fish + braids = fishwithbraids

fish + braids = fishwithbraids
the experience of art thrives at the top of the bell curve in a place of speculation (and not consensus), hypotheses (and not conclusions) and belief (not knowledge).
To stay at the top of the bell curve, as Buergel and Noack might say,
the best art must make us not understand,
which corresponds to a state of sustained curiosity that provokes us to change something about ourselves in an effort to understand.
anthony huberman

Thursday, September 9, 2010

live art installation: through the creation

sept 10, 7 - 10 pm
the experience of creating art together with the artist, all ages, with music, make a sculpture "happen".
Art as a visual dialogue
artist: Aleksandar Milenkovic

live and express the moment, let art flow through you,
be inspired by the energy of other participants
discover within

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