fish + braids = fishwithbraids

fish + braids = fishwithbraids
the experience of art thrives at the top of the bell curve in a place of speculation (and not consensus), hypotheses (and not conclusions) and belief (not knowledge).
To stay at the top of the bell curve, as Buergel and Noack might say,
the best art must make us not understand,
which corresponds to a state of sustained curiosity that provokes us to change something about ourselves in an effort to understand.
anthony huberman

Thursday, June 20, 2013

evening of performance art

performance art June 25 2013   at Fish with braids gallery, 190 Columbus drive
                                                                                                                 Jersey City

8.30pm        Hector Canonge     "Twirling Sacra". Interdisciplinary artist, 

9.15pm        Erin Parsch             "Like So Much Lost Time."  Music by Patrick O'Hearn,  
                                                    set design by Erin Parsch.
                                                    Set against a veil of white fog, dirty tutus and a handmade musical stool.
                                                                The artist is present in a solo of intense sensuality and a sense of

                                                                memories lost.
10.00pm     Wyme of the Audiobodies              spoken word

10.45pm    Caridad Rivera           "spirit waker" a sound and movement installation
photography Maria Fernanda Hubeaut
doors open at 8 pm
$10 donation accepted to support the performers and the creative spirit

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